Sober House Management Software
Sober House Management Software
Sober house management software is a challenge for most recovery home operators. Some operators chose to run their sober homes without management software, and some still manage the homes with pen and paper! While success requires much more than just fancy software, we cannot stress enough the importance of organization and record keeping when running a sober house.
Industry-Specific Sober House Software
Each day there seem to be more and more software products available for sober house operators. Many offer tailor-made solutions to some of our unique challenges, like tracking drug screen results, referrals and applicants, and rent payments. A few notable examples are Sober Living App, One Step Software, and Aura Sober Living Management System. We are familiar with all of them and while we recognize there are many strengths of each, they all lack some of the basic functionality that you may find in other generic property management software solutions.
Generic Property Management Software
The list of more generic property management software solutions is astonishing. Many sober house operators use a more generic software solution offering more features than one of the sober house specific programs. However, most generic property management software solutions just don’t fit the needs for our unique business. Even if they do, it probably requires a significant investment of time and money to modify their software to fit the needs of a sober house. A few options along this route would be Yardi, Capterra, and AppFolio.
A Hybrid Approach to Sober House Management Software
What we’ve found to be the most effective solution is to employ a highly-modified generic property management software solution, in combination with certain tools to manage some of the nuances with sober house management (like drug screening, record keeping, and customer relationship management). Our solution combines the best of both worlds: an established and powerful property management platform, with important features offered by other applications – all integrated and working together. It took a long time to set up, but we’ve found it to work with a very high level of success.
What features do I need?
Be careful not to be too feature-focused, but put some thought into what you really need. A few features which we find to be very helpful include:
- Online resident applications
- Application screening and tracking
- Online resident rent payments and receipts
- Rent payment accounting
- Event log for each resident
- Electronic file storage
- If you have staff, do you need payroll and time-tracking software?
We know this is a lot of information – and this is just an overview. Vanderburgh Communities is built to help sober house operators, just like you, be successful and change the world. All of our Operators have full access to all of our software at no cost to them. Take a look at our platform to learn more about what we have to offer. Want to size up the competition? Peruse our sober house directory to see what everyone else is doing.