Owning a home requires not only a down payment, but renovation and furnishing costs, and many hidden initial costs and risks. Financing homes to operate as sober home communities is very difficult within a track record of success, and if you don’t tell your lender what you want to do with the home, it could put you at risk of default and foreclosure if they find out.
Out-of-pocket costs to own the home can range from $60,000 – $150,000+
Our long-term lease allows an Operator to access a turn-key home of their selection without the risk and cost of ownership. The fund which will own the home will bear the risk and cost of buying, renovating, and owning the home. We have set up homes of all shapes and sizes, navigating the tricky landscape of certification, code compliance, and city department negotiations. All you have to do is write a check and open your home.
Out-of-pocket costs to lease a home can range from $9,000 – $15,000+